Surrender, The Launch, and Disappearing Discounts

Two days from now, Upside-Down Messenger: Making the Magical and Messy Journey from Inspiration to Impact is going to launch.It has been quite the adventure.

Fourteen months of this particular journey from inspiration to impact.

Five years of intensive work to heal and rewire the st*ries that would have undermined all of my best intentions for this book.

Three weeks of writing.
Six weeks of intense feedback.
A million hours [okay, it’s an exaggeration!] of trying to get the interior right [and it still isn’t!].

Sleepless nights full of questions.
Early mornings of clarity and inspiration.
So many days of software mishaps and meltdowns.

And that’s just the book st*ff. 

I don’t have enough space here to explain what The Wind has uncovered this time around, and how it has dramatically changed the way I interact with It, with others, with my own mind and body, and with my work. That’s probably material for the next book, anyway. [Sheesh! The next book? Am I ready for that one?]
Let’s just say that I dissolved identities that were keeping me stuck.
I healed st*ries that have been making me ill for three decades.
I realized the biggest lie I’ve believed about The Wind and shifted it forever.
I have no doubt, as I look back over this journey, that I have been pushed, coaxed, compelled, prodded, guided, driven, and kicked in the ass as part of a divine orchestration to get me here…I surrender.
The book is done.

And, true to brand, it is magical AND messy.

Despite my best efforts, my team’s incredible support, and tons of hours invested, it is not perfect.

But it is done.
And it is powerful.

It’s not perfect, but neither is anything about the creative journey.
And at some point, we have to let go and surrender our projects to the their purpose.
Perfect imperfection.

In ten years of working with messengers, I’ve come to realize that the process of creating is far more important than the end product created, even though my quality standards for end product are “impossibly high.”

Sometimes, it all comes together magically.
Other times, it is so f-ng messy that we have to dig ourselves out to launch.

That’s what this one looks and feels like two days before launch.

Smell that? Yeah, it’s the last of what I’m scrubbing off. And it stinks.

But it was worth it.

There is more of me in this book than any other project I’ve poured myself into.

When you read it… 

You’ll hear more snark and sass than I usually put on the page.
You’ll feel the intensity of this st*ry, potty-mouth and all.
You’ll see why I decided I need a fair warning label from now on.

You’ll see my message, my purpose, and my approach more clearly and powerfully distilled here than anywhere else.

You’ll probably laugh a lot.
You’ll probably cry a lot, too.

And even though it’s far from perfect, I’m f-ng proud of it.
And I’m bloody proud of myself, too.

By the end of this year, “all things will be made new” in my life, and I know it’s because of the process I engaged and stuck to in spite of all the resistance through the writing of this book…

…and because of the incredible souls who have been supporting me.

Friends have talked me off ledges.
Practitioners have helped me release, rebalance, and restore.
Team members have lost sleep to help me fix ridiculous problems.
Family has picked up a whole lot of slack around here.

This book may have more of me in it, but that’s only because The Wind showed up in the hearts and words and actions of the beautiful people in my life.

Magic and mess, let’s roll!