"Most of us are blindly consuming Story as entertainment.
But what if we used it mindfully to connect deeply and learn with those we love and lead?"

~ Amanda Johnson ~

The Story Oracle

"A story that can change your life has a power that is best described as religious…"

~ Dr. Jordan B. Peterson ~

Speaking & Facilitation

Need a result-driven speaker or facilitator to illuminate or empower your audience?

Story-saving Sagas & Quests

Ready to become the co-author of your story in a truly empowering community?

Speaking & Facilitation

Need a result-driven speaker or facilitator to illuminate or empower your audience?

Story-saving Sagas & Quests

Ready to become the co-author of your story in a truly empowering community?


The Story Revolution

Sick and tired of witnessing the same stories on repeat in your personal or professional life—watching good folks being crushed by processes and products that put profit before people?

Ready to reclaim your fire and freedom inside of your family or workplace stories and systems, and catalyze real sustainable change without unnecessary sacrifice?

Share your story. Save your story. Shift OUR story.
Join us for The Story Revolution!

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by reading the Guided by Grace Blog and get first dibs on special opportunities to play!

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