"You can’t never let anything happen to him.
Then nothing would ever happen to him."

~ Dory, Finding Nemo ~

Raised By Story Family Camp

After I co-wrote A Religion of Story with Aaron, I had parents, grandparents, and caregivers reach out to ask me for the opportunity to “see this magic unfold LIVE.”

They understood how Story is an answer to their desire to connect more deeply with their child, develop critical thinking, and cultivate character, but they wondered, “How exactly do you start this, and keep the conversation going? How do you make this a way of life?”

My immediate answer was to something akin to what I’ve done with messengers for the last decade—create LIVE opportunities where they can:  


  • take a break from the ordinary world and all of its routines and responsibilities that hold old narratives in place
  • fully immerse themselves in a new world designed to help them clarify their superpowers, entertain new possibilities, and achieve their goals
  • let a guide who has already walked the path lead story-driven experiences carefully-crafted to enlighten and empower
  • enjoy the fellowship of others who have chosen similar quests and bring their own complementary superpowers to the greater mission
  • reclaim and heal pieces of themselves that have been abused, abandoned, or abhorred and working in opposition to their goals   
  • choose or deepen faith in their destiny and the journey that brought them to this quest
  • practice and embody the qualities of leadership that will inspire, influence, and impact the individuals, communities, and systems around them 


My most magical partners in mischief and mayhem (and saving the world with story) and I are in the early stages of designing a high-adventure story camp for families.

"We're their parents. We do the best we can.
But at the end of the day, what happens to them,
how they turn out, that's bigger than us."

~ Jack Pearson, This is Us ~


High-Adventure Activities for All Ages

that create felt experiences of Uncertainty (I’ve never done this before. I’m scared/curious/excited.) and require everyone to increase their Self-knowledge (What superpowers do I have to tackle this?) and ask for Training (Who has already done this and can give me some tips?)

Enjoying the Camaraderie

(Hello, complementary superpowers!) of other parents, grandparents, and caregivers who are raising children with intention and mindfulness—children who will likely become the besties of your children after a few days of playing together in Story

Story-Driven Experiences

designed to help you learn, practice, and begin to embody Story Literacy—a set of tools and skills that will help you engage Story mindfully with your children to develop critical thinking, build character, and have more fun as a family 

We will be watching movies together, writing creatively together, designing sets
and costumes together, and more!

Our mission is to help you connect more deeply with your children through Story-driven fun, add some powerful tools to your parenting toolkit, and send you home connected to a community of families who want to continue to play and grow together.

If you want to be one of the first to know about the launch of this camp, please put yourself on this list.

And we’ll send you a Story Compendium to keep you busy in the meantime!