Key #2 – Turn Your Resolutions into a Revolution

“I’ve been trying to write this book for months now,” I overheard her say to another retreat participant.

“Oh, that’s great. How far have you gotten?” the other participant asked.

“Weeeeeeelllllll, that’s the thing. When I say that I’ve been writing my book for months, it means that I’ve been writing the first sentence…and then deleting it…and then trying again…and then deleting it…and then…” She laughed at herself, and the other woman laughed with her.

By the end of the retreat, I figured out the REAL REASON she was stuck – she had planned to share other women’s journeys and play it small on sharing her own. And this woman was by no means designed to play anything small. When I asked her what might happen if she shared her journey and left out the others, there was a dark glare that quickly turned into raised eyebrows and wide eyes…betraying the fear that was right under the surface.

But this woman is fierce, and so she gathered her courage and started writing her story.

And then BAM! She finished chapter 2 and got stuck again…for months…

But this time, she had a coach, a community, a plan for the content and, most importantly, a very clear picture of the journey she was on. She knew that she had said YES to a Divine Invitation to change her own life before she changed others’ lives, and she dug in and did the work.

Yesterday, I shared Key #1 – CLARITY about Your True Intention. It was focused on YOU and uncovering YOUR PURPOSE and MESSAGE. If you missed the blog/email and the audio I shared, CLICK HERE to access it now.

But clarity about your True Intention isn’t enough.

Once you see the vision of who you are here to be and what you are here to do, you have to figure out how to get from the current version of you…to the one you know can deliver your purpose powerfully into the world by writing a powerful book, inspiring audiences from the stage, or even facilitating LIVE and virtual experiences that help clients integrate their learning.

The version of you that is capable of delivering your purpose into the world with INTENTION is the one who knows how to:

Stay Clear and Focused on Your Divine Intention and Purpose
Without clarity and focus, you’ll find yourself on rabbit trails with your content and everything else. You’ll follow any shiny object and idea that shows up, sign up for any program that promises results, and work a million different ‘formulas for success’ until you’re exhausted and forced to come back to your core.

Create Powerful Content that Keeps Readers and Audiences Engaged
It doesn’t matter how good your ideas are, if you don’t deliver them with some key elements, they will feel self-indulgent and flat to you, and not connect with your audiences’ heads or hearts. If you want to change lives with your content, you have to learn how to do it on the page and from the stage.

Market and Monetize Products and Services in Alignment with Who They Are
You can have an amazing book, signature talk, or curriculum…that no one ever reads, hears, or experiences. Unfortunately, the content doesn’t market itself – that’s your job. I’m not an expert marketer, but a decade in business has taught me a thing or two about alignment and more comfortable self-promotion.

Publish and Promote Your Message Strategically
You could be one of the those who spends years on a manuscript and then leaves their manuscript in a drawer because they don’t know what else to do with it. Or, worse, the one who races through a self-publishing process and puts out a product that doesn’t do the message justice. You know the ones I’m talking about, right? The self-published books that you don’t want to pick up because it looks like the design – and omg, the back cover description! – is so amateur that the content must be too?

Navigate the Transformational Journey with Less Fear and More Grace
It IS possible to write a book, develop a signature talk, create curriculum, and start a business without accepting the Divine Invitation that came with the inspiration…the invitation to dissolve old wounds and identities that are keeping you and the rest of your life from rising to the heights you know you are meant to experience. I have a lot more to say about this, so I’m going to keep this brief here and share a little more about it tomorrow. It comes down to your true motivation…and how that motivation will impact YOU, your message, and your purpose in the world.

As a spiritual messenger coach, I’m devoted to helping people get clear on the REAL JOURNEY that lies on the other side of that initial lightning bolt inspiration to change the world with a message, expertise, or story.

It’s just not right that these amazing messages are not getting into the world because their messengers are simply lacking clarity about the journey.

So I’m doing something about it…

If you want to turn your Resolution to share your message this year into a Revolution that starts with YOU, then it’s time for you to get the Universal Messenger Blueprint – the map of the journey that helped me write, publish, and launch a #1 bestseller in less than 3 months AND the insights, tools, and skills you need to create a plan for the content, the marketing, the monetizing, the publishing, the promotion, and the real journey you’re about to take.

I’m sharing the Plan Your Messenger Journey Retreatcamp training at a huge discount, AND I’m sweetening the deal with some awesome bonuses.


Because you know that it’s time to stop making resolutions…and get what you need to start your revolution.

And this program will move you forward with velocity!

CLICK HERE for more details and sign up if it feels right!