If I only had 30 days left, I would recommend everyone write their story…

Back when people knew me only as a book coach (ahem)…I was waiting to take a stage and the person introducing me said something like, “…because we all have to write the book that we really need to read.”

He didn’t mean it. In fact, he corrected himself.

But I knew better.

Ask any of the amazing messengers who have worked with me and they will tell you the FIRST thing they discovered when they stepped into my space was the same thing I discovered when I started to move my own message forward:

The book you want to write IS the book you need to read.
The talk you want to deliver IS the one you need to hear.
The course you want to develop IS the one you need to take.
That’s WHY you want to create it.
I know, I know, I know.
You want to write it to help others.
You want to change the world.
You want to establish yourself as an expert.

And I won’t argue with it. It’s all true.

What if that’s just your CONSCIOUS MIND’S
explanation of the INSPIRATION you received?

And why not?

I mean…

You have come a long way, baby.
You have been through some st*ff and overcome.
You have acquired tools and skills that changed your life.
And now you are ready to share it all.

What if there’s MORE to this inspiration
than you could possibly imagine?

Welcome to my world.

So, I started writing Upside-Down Messenger in early July.
I finished the manuscript by the first week of August.

And let me tell you.


This was a story I tell ALL the time.
This was a story I’d already DONE a tone of digging through… and healing around.
This was expertise I could share in my sleep.


My soul used this content to take me to
the middle of a story that needed more healing.
My soul used this content to challenge me to own parts of myself
I didn’t realize I had kicked to the dark corners.
My soul used this content to teach me MORE about what my clients
— especially the ones who have suffered severe traumas — are going through.
My soul used this content to change the way
I share my message and expertise forever.
My soul used this content to burn off the dead wood in
my personal and professional life that would have held me down
if I’d tried to “go to my next level” with it all still there.


Here we are.
About a month away from launch.
And I’m finally emerging from this soul work.

And it’s time for me to share.

I’m going to be sharing WHAT I LEARNED along the way over the next few weeks through some Facebook LIVES, so if we’re not already connected, CLICK HERE.


I also want to answer YOUR questions.

What do you want to know about the process of writing 
and sharing your story? or developing content?
What questions have you been pondering but not asking out loud?

Please reply with your question and I will anonymously weave my answers to you into my sharing.