“Babe, can I share one of our old favorite songs, tuned to a higher frequency?”
“Sure,” I smiled and sat back on the soft couch in the dimly lit living room, wondering which song he was going to play.
The first few seconds of the song transported me to December 2012…
I was 85-minutes wrung out on a yoga mat, finally relaxing into Savasana, when the combination of heart-driven music and authentic lyric slammed into my divinely concocted experience of magic, grief, and gratitude.
I was living the wildest ride of my life thus far.
I was finally going to write the book that had been haunting me for 5 years.
I was running at a ‘people think I’m crazy’ deadline to launch it with an event.
I was juggling more books moving through production at once than ever before.
I was spending lots of time with family and enjoying a deepening spiritual connection.
I was experiencing the magic that happens when total soul, work, and life alignment occurs.
And I was loving every second of it.
It was time.
The stage was set.
All I had to do was stay connected and keep listening to the guidance that was calling my every move and directing my every step.
And then a beloved client who was making his transition dropped some Truth that vibrated every cell of my being and catalyzed a DNA healing.
“And now my heart stumbles on things I don’t know.
My weakness, I feel, I must finally show.”
He shared Truth that I knew at my core and had experienced several times in my life, but it was something I couldn’t sustain because of the old stories that he so graciously witnessed and addressed: “The problem is that you’re separating work and life, Amanda. It’s one life. One moment at a time. One person in front of you, loved one or client. One opportunity to make an impact.”
And then he left.
“Awake, my soul…for you were meant to meet your Maker…”
My heart cracked open and tears poured down my cheeks, soaking the yoga mat beneath me.
Almost three and half years later, tears fell again onto my soft couch as I listened to this song, tuned to a higher frequency. Somehow, it reached deeper inside me, expanded my heart further into the atmosphere, and lifted me up to see how far I’ve come.
I was reminded of how divinely orchestrated my life is, how powerful and needed our messages are, and how the work that calls us is really a divine invitation to set our souls free of the lies and stories that keep us from living our truest expression.
“Lend me your eyes, I can change what you see.
But your soul you must keep totally free.
Awake, my soul…”
Because I’m the type of person who ‘listens a song to death,’ I had walked out of the yoga class, downloaded the song, and made Awake, My Soul my heart’s steady cry for months.
You see, I was living in the magic at the time—trusting the Wind and making an impact with my clients and readers—but my soul knew there was even more to wake up to.
As I sang the lyric at the top of my lungs alone in my car (you know what I’m talking about, don’t you?), I gave my soul permission to wake up a little more.
And boy, did it!
The last 3 years are going down in the books as the most important in my life thus far.
Instead of ‘leveraging the bestselling book and community I’d built,’ as so many encouraged me to, I slowed everything down and focused on setting my soul free of the deeper stories that had emerged and threatened my ability to create the life I want to live and the LOVE I want to experience every day of it.
“In these bodies, we will live.
In these bodies, we will die.
The way you invest your love, you invest your life.
Awake, my soul.
For you were made to meet your Maker.”
It’s taken more than 3 years.
And trust me, I’ve fretted along the way.
Will I ever get back to my work?
Will I ever experience that type of magic again?
Will I make the impact I am here to make?
But the clouds are clearing.
Stories have been rewritten.
Wounds have been healed.
My soul is freer than it has ever been.
And my wings are almost strong enough for the next flight…higher and further…
I hope you’ll join me.
It’ll be like listening to an old favorite, tuned to a higher frequency.