3 Tonics for 2022

I know y’all are probably kinda busy right now, so I’m gonna make this short.

As I reflect on all that has transpired this year, there are a few major themes that stand out [okay, they slapped me in the face!] that I offer here in hopes they act like a shortcut or medicine for you.

Tonic #1 | CO-Authorship


It amuses me, really, when I think about how long have I been on this journey and how easy it still is for me to get caught up in the hype of: “What do I want to create next year?” 

Yes, I believe in listening to our heart’s desire, setting stretch goals, and working to make them happen; but what I continue to learn over and over again is that my Co-Author is always dreaming bigger than I can, has better resources and plans than I do, and is figuring out how to give me what I don’t even know that I want and need.

This year, my limited imagination served up “stillness,” and my Co-Author had other plans—gathering and leading a team, expanding services, developing a podcast, moving to another state, etc. 

I’m glad I sent my sh*tty rough draft of a year to my Co-Author and took those deep breaths when I saw all the “red marks” and “suggestions for epic plot twists.”

What if your Co-Author has even bigger dreams for you?


Are you willing to co-write and partner,
rather than pretend you’re the only one with a pen?


Tonic #2 | Community


Again, I am absolutely entertained [and sometimes infuriated and mortified] with myself and the old st*ries that still crop up around having to do all the things myself. 

From running and growing this business, to healing my own st*ries as I help others do the same, I still hesitate to ask for help and receive support.

But the minute I do, my entire body, mind, and soul relax into the process that is so much bigger than me. And astoundingly, a lot more amazing things happen a lot more quickly when I do it.

What if you asked for help with that project, pain, or…?


Tonic #3 | Writing Is The Way


Writing not only helps us unearth the st*ries and beliefs that continue to hold us hostage; it helps us create new pathways for truer stories to emerge in our lives.

This year, I witnessed a client processing generational trauma through fictional characters right before a real family secret surfaced a few weeks later. Clients laughed their way through the process of exposing and rewriting unconscious contracts that were keeping them trapped in cycles of self-sabotage. And I even witnessed one client realize that what she thought were fictional scripts and behaviors for fictional characters were actually her soul creating cracks of possibility for her and her family to step into a truer, healthier story. She wrote them before she knew she needed them and didn’t even realize they were “on her script” until I pointed it out. You can’t make it up!

What if you picked up the pen and
let it guide you into a new story?


Stay tuned!

There are many opportunities for you to deepen your connection with your Co-Author through Community and Writing in 2022.

The first one is coming up January 2, 2022. We had a BLAST at the holiday party (online) last year, and we just have to do it again!

I hope to see you there!